

List of 16 frequently asked questions.

  • Q. Why did I not get the Entrance exam results in the packet? 我能知道结果吗?

    Unless we have parental permission, we will not release scores. 如果您想要学生考试成绩的副本,您可以通过传真或电子邮件联系esball世博, please do not call for this request. 除了, 当传真或电子邮件请求授权esball世博公布你的学生的考试成绩, please indicate w在这里 you would like the results sent. 请发邮件给. Cathy Kaszuba在
  • Q. How do I apply for financial aid?

    An application must be completed online. Fenwick uses FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment是一家独立的外部机构,负责收集和分析家庭财务数据. The FACTS application process begins 在这里
  • Q. When will I know my student’s schedule?

    Your student’s schedule will be published in Blackbaud in July. If you have any questions, you may contact 学生服务 at (708) 948-0341.
  • Q. Why did my student not get an honors class?

    esball世博的课程非常独特,旨在挑战我们所有的学生. 每个大学预科新生都要修六门学术课程. For students who have been offered honors courses in their freshman year, 他或她在入学考试的各种基本技能中得分在90百分位以上. 例如, 荣誉英语和荣誉世界历史是由阅读的百分位数分数决定的, 语言/语法, and Verbal scores on the entrance exam. 如果你的学生平均成绩达到90%,他或她将自动被授予荣誉课程.
  • Q. If my student did not get an honors course, 这是否意味着他/她将永远没有资格获得荣誉课程?

    No, 事实上,课程的设计提供的课程将挑战每个学生和他或她的个人能力,因为他们在高中的进步. 通常, to move into an honors level course, 学生需要在他/她的大一期间保持该课程的平均成绩为A,并有老师的推荐信. 查看课程选择指南,了解进入大二及以上荣誉课程的个别课程先决条件. 此外,让你的学生在大一时与他或她的辅导员讨论他们的意图.
  • Q. 如果我的学生没有获得AP/荣誉生物学,这对他或她的科学课程有什么影响?

    大学预科生物, 生物学荣誉和大学先修课程提供给一组有资格的新生. 如果您的孩子符合其中一门课程的资格,则应在录取通知书中通知家庭. 如果学生没有资格参加大一的任何生物部分, 他/她仍将在esball世博完成三年的科学课程,剩下的三年将在esball世博完成. 然而, if he or she desires a fourth year of science, the student may enroll in a summer school science course at Fenwick. 生物、化学、物理和环境科学都在每年夏天开设.
  • Q. How do I know which 富有表现力的艺术 class to choose?

    学生可以选择以下课程来完成他们的表现艺术要求:音乐会乐队, Percussion Ensemble 1, 管弦乐, 高音或低音合唱团, 音乐欣赏, 工作室艺术概览, 或剧场1. All instrumental classes require experience playing an instrument. 想学习演奏乐队乐器的学生可以报名参加初级乐队, 但这门课不符合表现艺术的要求,并被视为选修学分. 请与 富有表现力的艺术 Department Chair with questions regarding 富有表现力的艺术 classes.
  • Q. 语言要求是什么?二级分班考试是关于什么的?

    T在这里 is a four-year language requirement at esball世博. We offer French, German, Italian, Latin, and Spanish. Many of the languages provide an Honors/AP track at the higher levels. 大二之后, 每个学生都需要在前两年完成特定的要求,才能继续学习该语言的第三和第四年. 如果不符合要求,学生将不得不切换到另一种语言. If your child has been taking a language course in grammar school, we encourage him/her to sit for the World Languages placement exam, which is offered in April. 有关分班考试的日期和时间的更多信息,请查看我们esball世博团队发送的信息. Please feel free to contact the World Languages department chair, 萨曼莎Carraher, should you have any questions (
  • Q. Why would my student want to take the math placement exam in 五月?

    如果你的学生根据入学考试的数据没有资格获得荣誉数学,你认为他/她在完成更多的八年级数学课程后可能会获得资格, students can take a placement test in 五月. All decisions are made by our Math Department chair. 
  • Q. Do I have to register my students for the conditional summer school course? Do I have to register for the Fenwick-offered enrichment courses?

    If your student has been recommended to take summer courses, 你必须为他或她报名参加录取通知书上注明的暑期学校课程. Registration is completed online 在这里. 除此之外, esball世博提供夏季丰富课程,任何学生都可以报名,如果他/她选择这样做. Summer school registration is due by Monday, Apr. 5月24日(星期五)为最终报名.
  • Q. What do I do about summer sport camps and fall sports tryouts?

    有关田径和夏令营的信息可以通过联系体育部门或体育主任获得, 斯科特·蒂斯( at (708) 948-0343 or (708) 948-0314. 我们也鼓励每个家庭在我们的网站上查看我们的体育部分. Tryouts for fall sports will most likely occur before school starts, 因此,请关注日历和我们的网站,了解即将到来的通知以及布莱克波特的家长/学生资源板.
  • Q. Will t在这里 be any future mailings?

    将来会有学校日历的邮件,即将到来的事件和时间表的提醒. 通常, t在这里 is one per summer month. If you have not received any mailings by July, please contact our Director of Student Data, 迈克尔·柯林斯( to confirm your mailing address.
  • Q. What if I have questions regarding health and medical records?

    You may contact our school nurse, Mrs. 唐娜·佩普( at 708-386-0127 ext 170. Up-to-date records are due by the start of the upcoming school year.
  • Q. Will t在这里 be summer reading required of my freshman student?

    是的. The list will be broken down into books for Honors and College Prep courses. Please check our website starting in mid-June for this information. Books will need to be purchased and read by the start of school in August. Assessments on the novels will occur in the first week of school.
  • Q. 我的学生在学年期间有什么交通工具?

    An information sheet on the Northside, 南区和火车站的巴士路线将包括在夏季邮寄. esball世博提供从伯灵顿北线(在河滨接)的校车运输, 在Berwyn下车)和联合太平洋西线(在Oak Park的Lake/Marian站上下车). Our North Side bus route services students on the Northwest Side of Chicago, going as far north as Foster. Our South Side bus route services students on the Southwest Side of Chicago, going as far south as 63rd Street. 请参阅我们的 Transportation and Parking page 了解更多信息.
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